we decided to use this soundtrack for the majority of the film as The final sound track that we used was rihanna g4l (gangster for life) which we decided on because of the lyrics and for which its is basically talking about seeking revenge we think the song represents revenge perfectly and give the audience abetter understanding of what going on when the song lyrics start as” I lick the gun when I’m done because I know that revenge is sweet” the chorus being “gangster for life” connotates strength so that was a big factor that influenced song choice as we were trying to a portray out character as being strong and having the ability to carry out the revenge
we decided we wanted to use this soundtrack for the begining as we thought this would be an effective soundtrack to introduce our film to the audince and set the tone for what kind of film it is
we decided on russian roulette to be part of our soundtrack as we thoguht it would show a true reflection of the story which we were trying to put across and we needed the music to essentiallly be able to do the talking to the audience as we didnt have a script and we chose this particular song as the heartbeat represents danger and something bad happening so we used this soundtrack to represent that
i chose this clip because this clip emulates everything that we are trying to create and messages that we are trying to put across to the audience the narration was a real inspiration for what we trying to do and help us to come up with potentiol script though we decided not to use a script in the and the actual story though different to our is ultimatley about trying to get revenge and the character seeking justice jus like our character in our film so i thought that this was the perfect clip to represent our film
although we decided not to use a script in the end i thought that if we was to have a script that something like this one would have had a great affect and gonw with our story i the idea from a fil called the lovley bones where the character narrated her story through out the film
i chose this clip as the narration that she does of her life story inspired some ideas that can be used for our film as that is kind of the idea that we are going for also the backgorund of this series which is about a woman who get psychic flashes except although hers are down to completly different circumstance to the flashbacks in our film
i chose this clip from a show about a woman who psychic dreams about event thats have taken place and i thought this cilp is good for our film as it makes good reference to the flashback that will be taking place in our film like the body language that is has in the clip is one that can be easily emulated in our film
i thought this was a good use of soundtrack for this film as it creates the supense and anxiety that we are trying to put across in our film so this was was quite a big influence on the soundtrack we chose foe our film as we wanted to try and create the same affect
i chose this film clip as i think it is a good reference to the film that we are making and the message that we are trying to put across as far as our film being about a girl who has had a preety troubled life and who basically gets revenge in her own way against the world whom she thinks are all against though her revenge is violent i think the actual messages of both presious and are film are the same
i chose this film clip as i think it is a good reference to the film that we are doing and the message that we are trying to put across as far as our film being about a girl who has had a preety troubled life and hu basically gets revenge in her own way against the word whom she thinks are all against her though her revenge is violent i think the actual messages of both presious and are film are the same